Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Mercedes-Benz retrofit accessory streams Pandora Radio

Mercedes-Benz USA recently unveiled plans to launch an after-market accessory called Media Interface Plus (MIP) for its cars that will allow smartphone owners to bump Pandora Internet radio, and a host of other in-dash interface options, including downloading and playing video, syncing your phonebooks, and other such iPhone related tasks.

The plug-and-play cable will support the iPhone 3G, 3GS and 4 and a variety of BlackBerry devices. The iPhone Pandora streaming is accomplished via a USB cable, while BlackBerry owners will stream over Bluetooth. Interestingly enough, any songs stored on the iPod or iPhone need to be streamed over Bluetooth as well. invites you to share your thoughts on this. Blessing or curse? In theory, streaming funny Youtube clips whilst waiting in the line at the drive-thru seems like a great way to kill time... but doesn't this just add one more way for us to be distracted on the roadways?

Full story available here.

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